Little did I know that that trip would be one to completely change my life. God took young and shy me, placed me in foreign culture and worked through and in me. I came home a different person. Sure I'm still pretty shy, but my life purpose is changed. My heart is still there. I don't know how to explain it. The Park West team's hearts were in Guatemala and Allie's was in Ecuador.
Mine is in Juarez. It's with Abilene who is now probably 10 years old from Centro Victoria girl's home the one I played with on the playground. With Niellie who is 9 from Pastor Pacienca's church who only spoke to me and found me the following year. With sweet baby Kayla now 6 from Centro Victoria where her mom lives. With Michelle, now 7, from a dangerous part of town who begged me to go to home with her. It's with Christoph, Marcella, Nancy, Joel, Lisbeth, Karen, Yari, Jeniffer, Bella, Barissa, Chris, Kevin, Omar, Allan and every child that I talked to.
I don't understand it. I talked to these kids for only a brief amount of time and already I knew they were my mine. There faces are imprinted on my heart and I can picture them perfectly.
You have to understand. My total time in Juarez between both trips was only 10 days. The time with the kids was even less. But sometimes I miss them so much that it physically hurts. Everything will be fine and dandy and then BAM! One of those faces pops up and the longing returns. I need to know that they are okay. Google search Juarez, Mexico. Murder Capitol of the World. Read the news. That's where these kids are. That's where my heart is.
I don't know why God chose me for the task of preaching His love to the children of the world. And as much as I'm apprehensive of the unknown future, I'm honored that He did. He's entrusting me with something pretty special. I don't know where I'm ultimately going to end up. I don't know how I'm going to get there or what I'm going to do where ever I end up...But I'm ready. I'm really ready. It's an incredible, terrifying, exciting, overwhelming, fulfilling feeling. Here I am, Lord send me.
"If God chooses you to be a missionary, don't stoop to become a king."