Sunday, December 31, 2017


          Happy Almost New Year! I apologize for the huge gap in my writing. Life gets hectic Anyway, as I reflect on 2017, my mind goes to my word of the year, “growth.” Many people search or pray for words that God will be working on in their lives that year and that’s what He gave me for 2017. Admittedly, I was about nervous about the word ‘growth’ because growth usually means changeand I don’t do change well. (Which is ironic for someone who moved by myself to a foreign culture in an environment that’s surrounded by frequent change).

I thought I’d give numbers that reflect some of my growth and fit into a New Year’s countdown theme.
26 kids. I have 26 1st graders! That in itself is a huge change from my 10 last year. I started this year with 27, gained one, then lost two. This has caused a lot of growth in my teaching as it’s much different planning for so many and with such a wide range of skills/abilities. It’s also a huge change for classroom management strategies! 

Class 2016-17
Class 2017-18

17 weeks in Haiti this school year. I’m officially in Haiti more than I’m not! It’s official that Haiti is a home in my heart, right next to Pennsylvania.

16 flights this year. Having been on 16 airplanes and 5 airports causes growth in independence and growth in dislike for airlines, security, and baggage! I've also added a new experience- traveling with a student! 

12 monthly supporters. I wouldn’t be where I am without these people! It’s through monthly support that I am able to be in and grow in Haiti to make a difference for Christ.

10 students at the Christmas program. I’m sure you’ve seen on FB, but my classroom was hit by a fever epidemic right before break with at least 13 of my 26 getting the bug. Being in with firsties has caused me to grow in my “mommy” characteristics of fever checker, boo-boo kisser, tear wiper, knee bandager, snack opener, shoe tier, hug giver, lap sharer, germ washer, picture collector, not-funny-joke-laugher, story listener, and more!

9 class birthdays! We’ve celebrated so many student birthdays ranging from six years old to eight. At Cowman, birthdays are usually no small occasion. While some bring a cake to share, others add in piñatas, hot dogs, pizza, popcorn, cheese curls, plantain chips. Add party planner, food reheater, time coordinator, and multitasker to my growth list!

6 fifth graders. My kids from last year love to come to visit. They come for hugs, advice, homework help, jokes, to read to the first graders, and sometimes to just hang out with me. I love the bond I have with these kids and hope it lasts forever. When they come in a group, even my firsties say, “Miss Kacie! Your kids are here!” They were the original growth starters! They have caused growth in my faith and for me as a mentor/role model.

5 immediate family members in the States. I was always the girl that was going to live next to my parents forever. For me to move so far from my parents and siblings, even with trips home and internet, is a miracle. I just credit God’s grace and ability to grant us peace to know that I am where He wants me to be. That has allowed for huge growth in independence for me this year.

4 teachers. Last year I was the only teacher in the room and I liked it that way. I was not good at delegating and figured if I like it my way, I should do it myself anyway. This year though, with my large bunch, I get help. I was actually nervous about it- sharing responsibility for the education of 26 kids while doing the planning and delegating myself- it seemed like too much. But I have been blessed with 3 great helpers in my room. One only stays an hour for literacy stations, another stays for 2 hours (literacy & math stations) and returns to help grade, and another I get all day. My all-day assistant has grown to be more like a co-teacher and we’ve turned into great partners in the classroom! I honestly don’t know how I’d survive without him. Having this help has helped me grow in those leadership and delegation skills for sure!

3 roommates. Going from living at home my whole life to moving overseas seemed like a big jump, but with the help of my housemates, it was a great transition! I’ve been blessed with fabulous housemates. Last school year I lived with Susie and Erin and our bond was immediate and deep (something I’m dearly missing). This school year, I started the year with Rosa and we settled into a quick and wonderful friendship and routine. Now I’m living in House 7 alone. Although it was an adjustment and I miss my friends, I am pretty content with it as well.


2 major hurricanes. Living in Bucks County, PA, I was pretty free from natural disasters. Sure, we had snow and that microscopic earthquake one time, but that was it. This school year, I was faced with two major hurricanes heading right for me. God decided to spare most of Haiti though from both storms and I am forever thankful for that! J

1 God. The one true God who causes me grow as He shapes me to reflect Himself and become everything He’s called me to be. 

photo credit: pinterest