Tuesday, June 23, 2009

25 Days

I leave for Guatemala in 25 days... I felt really excited for the first time last Friday. The pang of excitement caught me by surprise.. its the feeling you get like right before you get on a rollarcoaster. Its weird that I didn't realize how close that was. Next week is up the mountains, then a week with a doctors physical in the middle (yuck).. then Guat. The excitement I felt months before Mexico is hitting me now and I'm ready now.
I finally realized that my heart IS going to STAY in Juarez, Mexico-- and there is NOTHING I can do about it. And with that relization I'm able to stop dwelling on it (not mexico- my heart- I'll always think of Mexico) and move on to Guatemala. for this year. I'm not promising anything for next summer. I'm excited, researching, semi-packing. Its nice to feel... allowed... to be excited about Guatemala.
My babies in Mexico need prayer. 9-10 people are killed daily in Juarez because of the drug lords. The governments plans aren't really working and my babies need protection. Since I can't physically be with them to hold them.. I'll pray. And wonder. And keep dreaming that I'm there on that mountain.. or at Pastor Paciencia's, or Centro Victoria. Or at Las Tapias, or the market, with the Talahumaras, at Chivira. I'll even take a blazing hot roof top covered with tar.

~~~yepp~~ thats me.

my life is dedicated to: both my teams from miami vineyard, the phillies (not the baseball team), GI staff,some Peaches, individuals from Life Challenge International, Centro Victoria staff and members, Pastor Paciencia's church and family. Niellie, Kayla, Michelle, Avelana, Chris, Barissa, Lisbeth, Karen, Yadi, Liza's amiga, Keven, Adrianna, Christoph, Jennifer, and many many more precious faces. <3

1 comment:

April said...

ok now i am crying cause i am missing mexico...we need to have a phillies night to pray for them...