Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Guatemala Day 7: Off to Antigua!

To get on the road for Antigua, we had to go to breakfast super early... Once again our 4 hour drive turned into a 7 hour one. This happened because one van got a ticket and there was this huge union protest blocking traffic. The roads were going to be closed until 5 that night so we had to take back roads to get around the mob. And by back roads I mean like -desert and mountain, not completely a road, side of cliff, one way- roads. It certainly was an adventure. Jusui, our driver, was awesome at navigating and conducting traffic so that we could finally get going.

When we finally got to Antigua, we left our stuff in the Hotel Carmen and went off to shop. First dad and I went to the market where you can barder just like Mexico. Then we went into real stores. I got a shirt, a scarf, coffee, bracelets, a stuffed donkey and elephant, a nativity, knives, and 2 bags.

At 6 we met up with the whole group at La Casa de Flan which had yucky food so Kelly, Linsy, Kaylah, Byanat, and I went to McDonald's for McFlurries.(: After that we all got our rooms and I went out shopping again, this time with some other teens since dad wasn't feeling well. We were in the center square when Walker and Jeremy decide that we are all going to walk into a big crowd of people at different times and freeze in random positions. People were staring at us and taking pictures of us. It was out of character for me but still a lot of fun. Jonathan scared Mariela and Marylin by jumping out of a bush to which they both screamed LOUD and declared they'd get revenge. I got back to the hotel at 11, packed my souvenirs and went to bed...

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