Valentine’s Day was quickly approaching and there was one
activity I knew for sure that I wanted my first graders to do. Our February
Bible verse has been “God is love” so one day, I sat with my kids at station
time to ask them a question.
Here’s what I said: “What holiday is coming up?...Yes,
Valentine’s Day! What is our verse this month?...Right! ‘God is love.’ But now
I have a question for you. If God is love, what is ‘love?’ When we talk about
love, what do you think of?”
Here are some of their answers with no additional prompting
from me:
Love is caring for others.
Love is Jesus in our hearts and dying on the cross for us.
Love is Jesus in our hearts.
Love is kissing goodnight and caring for someone.
Love is peace and helping.
Love is being nice and helping others.
Love is peace and caring for others and not looking in your own interest.
Love is helping someone.
Love is being kind and sharing.
Love is sharing food.
Love is peace and helping.
Love is kisses and helping.
Love is Jesus in our hearts.
Love is kissing goodnight and Christ.
Love is true. It is helping others.
Love is life and Christ.
Love is sharing and giving kisses goodnight.
Love is God loves us.
Love is giving pizza and sharing pizza and playing together.
Love is Jesus in our hearts, sharing, and Jesus loving the world.
Love is protection and peace.
If God is love (1 John 4: 8) then God is... patient and kind...He keeps no record of wrongs, does not delight in evil, and rejoices with truth. God always protects, always hopes, always perseveres. God never fails. (1 Corinthians 13).
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