Monday, October 6, 2008

Beverly Hills Chihuahua......Saw it and cried.

Wrote this on Facebook on Friday.
Tonight was a reunion of the Phillies. No not the baseball team, but the outgoing, fun-loving, mission trip group from Philly region. Though we see each other often tonight was a special night in which we honor the memories of Mexico. Yes, Miami and GI is included in that. We decided to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua dedicated to my "little brother" Austin from Miami. If you are in on these Mexico "jokes" you would know (especially if you were in red van) that every chihuahua follows the "Austin Code." That is that they: have a short tail, under 30 pounds, pointy ears, and FOUR little legs. (Dogs with 3 legs might not count, sorry). So off we went, Liza, Ms.April, and I....We thought this movie would be a stupid kid movie not worth our money, but we were wrong. We laughed and cried. If we had not been to Mexico with our team/family we probably would have thought that it was not worth it. But we were in Mexico with our team/family and it was worth it. Some things that we remembered and laughed/cried at: crossing into Mexico, wanting a road trip, chihuahua's in general, in mi corizon, Manzana Lift (saw it in a store), stray dogs, and lots more. Then at the very end as the two main characters were going separate ways one of the ones that acted as a protector/ friend said "its not a good bye...." That's the last thing Allan said to us before we separated at the airport. We said if there is a dirty mattress mentioned we would have to leave. So yes, we did cry. And we're proud of it. Right when it was over I stood up and said alright lets go buy some plane tickets. Yes, I am a Jesus Freak. Yes, I am obsessed with Mexico. Yes, I am in love with four little girls that I may never seen again. Yes. Alright, I am done now.~Kacie

1 comment:

Smithy said...

hey! i tagged you! see my blog for details.