Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ecuador Day Five -- Thursday

Today we went hiking with Israel early in the morning.For breakfast we had fried eggs. Down at the garage we finished up texturing the rest of the boards. Snakes were frozen yogurt and chips. For lunch we had yummy grilled cheese and soup. After lunch we went up the top of the mountain in the back of a truck to a place called “Heaven” where there was a big cross. We planted trees as reforesting project. While we were digging we say lots of grub looking things which we were told had lots of protein. (None of us ate them though.) Harry, Allie, and Mary also sang 90s songs as loud as they could so that you could hear an echo. In only 2ish hours the group had planted 150 baby trees.

Instead of driving back down Mary, Bren, Christian, Cambell-Farrell and I hiked down. Harry stayed up there for some alone time. While walking down we stopped at this old pool. It had this Animal Kingdom looking tree with a swing next to it. When you swing you go over a minicliff and the old pool. When Bren was swinging though, she almost knocked Mary into the water. Close call. When we got down we all king hung out, but when it came time for dinner Harry still wasn’t back. Christian decided that he would go look for him. When Harry didn’t respond to his yells Christian gathered up a search team. All of the girls gathered together to pray because it was starting to get dark. In the middle of the prayer JFC gasped and we looked up to see him standing there. It turns out that he just lost track of time. He felt really bad so when the search team returned he bought them all a soda. For dinner we had spaghetti with meat sauce. At the fire it was Brenmarie and Harry’s turn. We sang two songs and Harry read Ephesians 4:25-32. Then we all had to go around the circle and say something nice about another member of the team. After that we had a foot washing service. It was really humbling actually. To end the fire side thing Harry taught us a game called Yaoolah. Your feet are crossed and you’re holding hands with the people next you, but the objective is to make everyone fall. It’s hard to explain on paper… Anyways the game got pretty intense and the final two people were Cambell-Farrell and Bren. C-F actually pushed Bren to the ground and won! It was hilarious. We apparently practiced the skit after that, but I don’t remember anything about it.

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