Sunday, April 30, 2017

Stop and Enjoy!

“Stop and enjoy!”

She yells it as I take in the chaos of the other children in the house running around the room screaming with the joy that comes with childhood.

“Stop and enjoy!”

She tells me as we work hard on learning her letters and shapes. I smile at her because her focus and speaking skills have grown so much in the time I’ve known her.

“Stop and enjoy!”

She whispers as I ask her to calm down her hyper self so we can read her favorite books while she lays in my lap.

“Stop and enjoy…”

I’m not quite sure that 8 year old A even really knows what that phrase means, (even though she uses it in a decent context) but that catchphrase of hers has stuck with me ever since she started using it a couple of months ago.

March and April have been crammed pack with fun, comfort-stretching, growth-making, hard but oh-so-good moments. Through it all, I’ve had handfuls of moments where I’ve had to listen to A’s voice in my head to just “stop and enjoy” what God is doing here in Haiti and in my life.

I stop and enjoy the beauty found in God’s creation in Haiti where the contrast between beauty and poverty sit side by side.

I stop and enjoy as I realize how many blessings come out of Bethesda Clinic, OMS’ clinic on our compound. So many people, including me and Susie, have benefited from its service. Dr. Rodney, the head doctor, strives to make sure that every patient receives quality physical care, but never leaves out sharing about Jesus!

These are my pneumonia free lungs (after 2 months of  it!)! :D

I stop and enjoy know that "my kids" know that they are loved by me and by God. 

I stop and enjoy chapel on Friday mornings with Cowman School as all of our student’s sing that they love Jesus “down deep in their hearts.” 

I stop and enjoy doing resurrection eggs with my fourth graders as we declare that Jesus is risen and sing that grace wins every time.

I stop and enjoy celebrating Easter away from family for the first time with friends that have become family.

I stop and enjoy the feeling of tiny hands playing with my hair at the Potter’s House or bigger hands styling my hair at school.

I stop and enjoy and marvel that this is my life and I am so blessed and content with it. In fact, here’s the exciting part…

I’ve just received word that I have officially been accepted with OMS as a longer term missionary! This means that I will get to, Lord willing, live and minister in Haiti for at least two more years! 😊

Stay tuned for ways you can help make this happen!